
Fritz posted by Jon11 Nov 2006 08:29 pm

Fritz is probably asking this question. I took him in to get a “trim” and this is what happened, a poodle cut. He probably won’t look like himself for a few months. Right now, he looks like Mable and Jeff’s dogs, as I remember them.

These were taken with the camera phone on my Sony Ericsson Z525a. Not great quality but I love the phone. I got Salling Clicker for it and the iSync plugin. I am finding reasons to use the phone and I think it is mostly because of the Bluetooth.

Fritz posted by Jon23 Sep 2006 05:39 pm

Here is what Fritz is looking like now. It’s been a rough couple of weeks. He was castrated on the 12th and had to wear an E-collar. They said for two weeks but we took it off after about 8 days. His wound probably didn’t heal like the vet would have wanted but he was much happier.

Fritz posted by Jon12 Jun 2006 09:41 am

I snapped some more shots of Fritz. He has doubled in size in a little over three weeks. He is just soooo cute!

Fritz posted by Jon17 May 2006 08:42 pm

Well, after much discussion, the name we picked is Friedrich von Breitenbucher or Fritz for short. It seems to fit him. He is going to the office with me and meeting lots of people. He is fantastic and gives everyone kisses. He’ll be Abigail’s show and tell on Friday.

Fritz posted by Jon07 May 2006 02:15 pm

“It’s cute,” says Abigail. She’s right. He is very cute. I’ll post a picture in a day or two. We’ll be able to pick him up on the 16th. He has to see the vet and get his shots first.

We got the puppy from The Pets Pajamas, a petshop that sells puppies from local breeders. He is a Lhasa Apso and Poodle mix or a Lhasa-poo. His coat is apricot and curly.

We’re trying to come up with names. Some options are Moeg, Mobius, Murray, Trig, Wensleydale, Amerreto …

Update: We couldn’t wait so here are some pictures. We are thinking his name is going to be Cinnamon.