Niagra Falls

Abigail Story&Niagra Falls&Travels posted by Jon25 Jun 2004 10:54 pm

We went to the pool and then I had to go to the potty. Then we went to breakfast and supper. And then I got a rubber chicken and bubble gum. We went to a pool with swirly water and a whirlpool. We rode a convey over the whirlpool like the Wild Thornberry’s.

Kathy’s Notes: We had breakfast at the hotel. From there we drove to the botanical gardens and walked around. Then we drove to the floral clock and took pictures. We rode the aero car over the whirlpool and stopped at a tourists place to buy gifts. We went to Fridays for lunch and walked to the incline railway. We got really wet on the way, so we bought raincoats and saw the Horseshoe Falls. We came back to the hotel and went swimming. We then went miniature golfing at the dinosaur golf course and had dinner at Boston Pizza. We had dessert at the Coke store and called it a night.

Abigail Story&Niagra Falls&Travels posted by Jon24 Jun 2004 07:41 pm

We went to a hotel and drived and drived for days. Then we went to a falls and then we sit, and then we went to stores and then it was night, and we went swimming, and I cried a little bit and then we went home, and I didn’t cry anymore.

We got a rubber ducky named Abigail. We went to a fancy place with animals making sounds and we got rocks there and monkey’s wife. I loved the boat so much and we brought my coat back to me. We got wet!

Kathy’s notes: We left at 9:00am and drove to Niagara Falls. We checked in around 3:00. We went to the Falls and rode on the Maid of the Mist. We all got very wet. We had dinner at the Amazon Trail and had a ball. We then went swimming and went to bed.